There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?


About Me

Hi, I’m Kay.

Sun worshiper, café explorer, big-time cuddler, and Life Coach for your inner badass.

I have a hunger for improving my experience of life and have learnt (and continue to learn) a lot. My purpose on this earth is to share what I’ve learnt and help others reconnect to their authenticity, joy, & love.

I believe that deliberate thought creation & unconditional self-love will radically change your life.

I’m not here to mess around. It’s time to have FUN! The world is your oyster and only you can crack it open.


Get To Know Me

The best way to get the most out of any coaching (or therapy) is to find a coach you feel aligned with!

Here are some things about me that might resonate with you:

  • Personal growth is my highest priority. I will never not want to keep learning about myself and how I can have a more joyful experience during my time on this blue marble!
  • I love being creative and I believe everyone can benefit from having a creative outlet.
  • I’ve been  playing with my intuition through learning tarot cards and aura reading. I don’t take it super seriously and I have a lot of fun!
  • Other random things I like include: Karaoke, crafts, Korean Dramas, everything Japanese (I lived in Japan for two years teaching English), painting, and rearranging my house every few months.
  • and my house is covered in inspirational sticky notes. (I’ll probably get you to make some, too :P)

My Coaching

We focus on Self-Love, rewriting beliefs, and trusting your internal guidance system (IGS) to get you the fulfilling life you’ve always dreamed of. Self-Love is the key but it’s our beliefs that hinder us, so it’s important to uncover them. I also don’t believe in having all the answers for you, instead I help you connect to your IGS so that you can find and trust your unique answers. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, so although we focus mainly on what’s happening internally, you are guaranteed to see results externally. I also encourage you to bring any goals you’d like support in accomplishing. I do not have a ridged program but rather keep things flexible and adapt to each person’s uniqueness.